Elon Musk at 17 years old and his mother – Maye Musk. Photo: Mayemusk .Elon Musk’s mother revealed that he had to retake the IT competency assessment at the age of 17 because the examiner had never seen such a high score, in her memoir “Living Risky Carefull

As for women, she shows how to express themselves and promote their inherent strengths to create their own path. The supermodel loves her salty beauty – white hair, and wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. In the chapter Beauty , the author writes: “I have never been afraid of old age. I am happy when I have good health.” In the Guardian , she said that intelligence is the most attractive trait in women. Women are beautiful not only on the outside, but also from the inside. The more people learn and are passionate about contributing to society, the more brilliant they become because of the beauty that comes from wisdom and a soul that loves life

Maye Musk on the cover of CoverGirl at 69 years old. 

The supermodel is the only person to appear on the cover of CoverGirl magazine when she is over forty years old. To build a name for herself, she worked enthusiastically for more than 40 years. Following her father’s teachings, “The harder you work, the luckier you are”, Maye seized every opportunity that came her way, starting with her first title – “Prom Queen” in her third year of college.

Maye Musk was 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 in 1948 and is a nutritionist. She published her first lifestyle guide – Feel Fantastic: Maye Musk’s Good Health Clinic in 1996. With more than 400 thousand followers on social networks, billionaire Elon Musk’s mother often gives advice and guidance on solving problems. topic for fans. In 2020, she decided to write a memoir about her 70th 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡day. Maye Musk expressed: “I used to accept misfortune, but luckily I promptly beat fate and rediscovered the joy of life. Therefore, I want to share my experiences and inspire others.” are lost”.

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